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Why Am I Experiencing Chest Pain After Pacemaker Implantation?

There are cases in which patients have to install pacemakers into their hearts because those patients have some heart problems. However, some individuals face chest pain issues after the implantation of a pacemaker into their hearts, and there are several causes of chest discomfort.

Nov 26, 20232.6K Shares62.1K Views
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  1. What Are The Causes Of Chest Pain After Pacemaker?
  2. What Heart Conditions Require A Pacemaker
  3. Final Thoughts
Why Am I Experiencing Chest Pain After Pacemaker Implantation?

The pacemaker is a battery-operated small device That is implanted in your heart through an operation. This device sends electrical impulses regularly, and it helps keep your heartbeat regular. According to research, it's a typical type of heart procedure, and many people implant this device inside their hearts.

Somehow, experiencing chest pain after pacemakerimplantation has several factors, but it's important to note that chest pain is not a typical or expected outcome of pacemaker placement. However, there are several factors like Muscle Soreness, Infection, Surgical Trauma, reactions of the body to the device, pre-existing conditions, etc. All these factors are the reason behind chest pain after pacemaker implantation.

What Are The Causes Of Chest Pain After Pacemaker?

There are several factors or causes of chest pain after a pacemaker because it’s a small device that people implant into their hearts to keep regular electric impulses. The main factors are Surgical Trauma, reactions of the body to the device, post-operative complications, etc.

Surgical Trauma:

The procedure involves incisions and manipulation of tissues, leading to postoperative pain. If you are facing mild pain after that, it's common, but if you are having more pain in the chest, then it indicates infection or having a wrong or improper placement.

Reactions Of The Body To The Device:

The reaction of the device to the body is not common, and some individuals face any reaction after implantation of this device into their hearts. However, after implantation, you will feel some discomfort in the chest, which is common during the first 48 hours. There are several cases in which the individual faces several things like chest pain, high temperature, redness at the site of the pacemaker, swelling, etc, in the first 12 months of implantation. However, it's rare because most people do not face this. After all, a pacemaker is the safest device.

Post-operative Complications:

Some people have health problems, and it's very risky to implant a pacemaker with any kind of pre-existing conditions. Before pacemaker implantation, it's better to check the patient and ensure that the patient does not have any health problem because it's safe for the patient. However, if someone implants a pacemaker with any pre-existing condition, that person will have to face several kinds of problems after implantation.

Why A Pacemaker Is Needed:

There are two reasons why people implant pacemakers into the body. The first one is that several individuals have slow heartbeats(bradycardia), or it might be paused, so they implant the pacemaker to treat heartbeats and also keep electric impulses regular. Second, some people have faster heartbeats(tachycardia), so they use this device for treatment.

What Heart Conditions Require A Pacemaker

There are several heart conditions in which a pacemaker is required and these conditions are like bradycardia, heart block, atrial fibrillation and arrhythmias.


In this case, if you have bradycardia, your heartbeat will be slower than normal heartbeat. The normal heartbeat rate is 60-100 beats per minute, but the person with bradycardia has 40-60, which means it’s lower than 60 beats per minute, but somehow, while sleeping, your heartbeat will be normal.

Heart Block:

Heart block is a condition in which the electric signals from the upper chamber are not conducted with the lower chamber of the heart. The symptoms of heart block are syncope or dizziness. In this condition, the pacemaker is mostly required to implant in the patient's heart.

Atrial Fibrillation:

Atrial fibrillation is also like bradycardia. In this condition, patients have irregular and rapid heart rhythms, and these rapid or irregular heart rhythms are called arrhythmias. This irregularity can disrupt the normal coordination between the atria and ventricles, potentially causing symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue, and dizziness. Somehow, the doctor put a pacemaker into the heart for this condition, and it will help to send electrical impulses. These take the place of mixed ones, and now your heartbeats will be in the right place.

Final Thoughts

There are cases in which patients have to install pacemakers into their hearts because those patients have some heart problems. However, some individuals face chest pain issues after the implantation of a pacemaker into their hearts, and there are several causes of chest discomfort.

The cases are like Surgical Trauma, reactions of the body to the device, post-operative complications, etc, and in these cases, most people face chest pain issues within the first 48 hours of implantation. Somehow, in rare cases, people face several issues like redness at the site of the pacemaker, high fever, pain, etc, within the first 12 months. Somehow, there are several conditions in which people have to implant pacemakers like Bradycardia, heart block, atrial fibrillation, etc.

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